It has been an exciting journey and year for us here at AIM. Our unique incursion protection and CAA compliance evidencing system is being used extensively by UK airports, we exhibited with great success at the British Airports EXPO, and have received an award for innovation.
Now, not content with standing still, we are pleased to announce that we have advanced the capabilities of the compliance and safety features of our system.
Andrew Johnson Director at AIM commented, ‘We understand the changing needs and requirements for different airports, that’s why we are always investing in ways to develop the features of AIM. The latest progression sees the AIM system become a fully operational Service Management System (SMS). The software upgrades complement the runway incursion protection and CAA compliance features that were already available.’
The SMS allows airports to manage risk and compliance for any incidents, audits and inspections, by having the necessary organisational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures.
A summary of the proactive and reactive features for the SMS include:
Corporate Risk Assessment
The SMS allows airports to adopt a business approach to safety and risk. There are a range of analysis tools for senior management to assess the impact of greatest risks to their airport, such as damage to the airports reputation or an increase in insurance premiums.
The use of folders and paperwork can be eliminated with the auditing application of the system. All audits are date and time stamped with any risks or extra requirements being sent directly to the appropriate department to be actioned. The airport’s audits and risk assessments are saved within the SMS and are easily accessible if required by the compliance manger. Audits can be linked to risk assessments to identify areas in which corrective action is needed to mitigate risk and improve safety management.
Hazard Hunter
Identifying issues before an accident or incident has occurred is extremely important to reduce the chance of injuries. Any potential hazards can be documented on a form with photographic evidence that is immediately imported into the system. This is then automatically sent to the Safety Manager for them to review and take the relevant action.
Accidents and safety reporting
All accidents can be recorded on the SMS for investigation and so procedures can be taken to try and prevent incidents re-occurring. Any safety concerns can also be documented and sent to a member of the management team to be actioned.
Interactive learning
Health and Safety Managers can use the digital interactive learning resource to test staff competency and manage actions related to any further training required. This ensures awareness of health and safety procedures throughout the airport.
This SMS inevitably creates a much safer airport with full accountability and ownership of any incidents or risks that are recorded across the system.
If you are interested in learning more about how AIM can improve safety and efficiency in your airport please email Ian Wood, Business Development Manager, at E: to book a full demonstration or request further information.